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Kent's Birth Story

This pregnancy was a bit different than my first, I was working at a hair salon full time and was on my feet a lot more this time around.  I was meeting with my OB weekly to monitor my blood pressure due to my history of gestational hypertension.  At my 37 week appointment my OB checked me for dilation and to see if I was effaced.  I was dilated at two centimeters and my effacing had progressed as it should.  We set an appointment to be induced on May 24, my 39 week mark and I was thrilled to have that date set.  A few days later my induction was moved up to the 22 due to hospital scheduling, I didn't complain about that! A week later I went in for another appointment and had progressed to four centimeters and 70 percent effaced.  I went on to work that day and took things easy since I had progressed so much in just a week.  Three days later (38 weeks and two days gestational) I went to work as I normally did for a five hour shift, just a quick work da...

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